Apr 23, 2011


“To keep it short as possible, we’ve been patiently waiting for sometime to let you guys know about our newest achievement of joining XXL and SLAM Magazine’s newly birthed media group, H360. I think I can speak for the whole team by saying this is a great accomplishment for us to be apart of something involving the publications that we grew up on, but also means we will be working even harder. So in the upcoming weeks we will be presenting a few things that we have lined up to bring more to the site on and outside the internet, also we got some nice ladies we’re laying on, ha. Basically that’s that, also catch us in latest issue of The Source Magazine featuring Diddy on the cover where the mag quotes us. As always thanks for the support, it’s greatly appreciated.” – IMFlashy
Huge shout out to IMFLASHY.COM joining XXL’s 360 media Network . This is a huge accomplishment for the site, knowing where the brand Started & seeing where it is inspiring. Also Shout out to XXL for using me as the banner to represent IMFLASHY and even a bigger shout out to FLY HIGH for keeping it G and sending me their Gear in which you see me Swaggin With… to inquire any info on IMFLASHY contact the sites creative Director & founder Jahrue . for any inquiry on FLY HIGH LEAGUE CLOTHING contact TROY @ TroyFlyHigh@yahoo.com

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